Friday 31 January 2014

FRIDAY FLOWERS….and a Friday market.


Don't you just love Fridays?
That feeling of anticipation for the weekend stretching out in front….

If I can, I always try to pop in to our local Friday market, in the beautiful nearby Georgian market town of Tenterden.  Held within a little square, and additional stalls stretching out along the high street.  It is a particularly lovely place to go to find wonderful fish, freshly caught that morning off the coast of nearby Hastings…..

Fabulous artisan breads….and an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables…..and my favourite of all, a wonderful flower stall run by a particularly smiley, cheery man!

I could not resist bringing home these beautiful tulips, irises and hyacinths…..

Friday flowers, to brighten the day and welcome in the weekend….


Wishing you a happy end to your week!

Sophia xx


  1. What a lovely market. Goodness don't we all need some Spring colour at the moment!
    Will this rain ever stop? Luckily we are fine in this part of Somerset, but others not too far away are enduring yet another week of flooding. Have I missed the Channel 4 programme featuring your gorgeous house, I do hope not.
    Have a wonderful weekend Sophia xxx

  2. I buy flowers every Friday. I really think when we have this awful weather nothing brightens up a room more or cheers me up than a lovely bunch of flowers
