Friday, 22 March 2013


Photos: Sophia Home

A weekend of seed sowing is planned.
The wire basket in my boot room is full of packets of seeds, waiting to be organised and sown.....some in the greenhouse and some in the warmer, safer conditions of inside the house.

Tomato and chilli plants have now emerged, waiting to be potted on in to larger pots.....
and Basil is doing well.....but there is still 
much to be done!

Each year I tell myself that I really don't need to grow quite so much......or so many different varieties of vegetables....but then I find myself immersed in seed catalogues and of course, tempted by everything!

I almost feel overwhelmed at this time of year, with the amount of sowing and jobs to be done in my kitchen garden......but then it suddenly seems to all come together, and I feel calm 
and on top of things....and can just enjoy watching everything grow with anticipation of harvest time.

So this weekend, you will find me snug in my greenhouse.....with a cup of tea and the radio on......happily pottering.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned?

Sophia xx


  1. As I do not grow a garden or even have much of a green thumb I will follow along with you and learn something. I cannot wait to see your garden, I lov all of your seed packs. I think you will have quite a crop.

    Have. Great weekend, Elizabeth

  2. Pottering in the garden with seeds and a cup of tea sounds amazing. I'm encouraged to know I am not the only one who feels overwhelmed a bit at this time of year. I'm just so antsy to make the most of the warm weather (when it finally arrives) that I want all my ducks in a row before it gets here. Tomorrow is a spring open house at my favorite local garden shop, but with six inches of snow that fell last night, I'm afraid the best I can hope for is tromping through soggy paths and ducking inside for coffee now and then. I will think of you all snug in your greenhouse! Have fun. :D

