Thursday, 28 March 2013


All pictures via: Pinterest

Thursday at last, and on count down for the long Easter weekend!

As well as being a religious holiday for many of us, it is also a time for family and friends to get enjoy each other's company.....catch up.....relax and unwind......and of course, 
to enjoy good food. 

Being more of a savoury cook myself...... I am using Easter, and having my family home..... as a reason to push myself in to a bit of baking.

Busy browsing cookbooks and the internet for inspiration.......where plenty was to be found!

Pretty pastel perfection......

Too beautiful to eat....


Floral fantasy.....

Intricate icing....

Gorgeous detail!

One or two of the above may be a touch too ambitious on this occasion......but have certainly inspired me 
to get baking!

Have a lovely day.....

Sophia xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that chequerboard cake is incredible.
    I'm trying to figure out the technique. Would a slice further round the cake give the same affect or have they have cheated and painted the lilac squares in by hand.
    Its making my head hurt, I'm stepping away:)
    Those white stephanotis flowers on the green stems are stunning. Dix points!
