Sunday, 17 March 2013

After a few lovely weekends of having a house full and being very busy with cooking and entertaining.....of going out, late nights and is a welcome break to have a quiet Sunday today with no agenda.

A day to relax and just 'potter' at catch up on little projects in the house......cook something simple for two and not twelve!.....take a long bath......sleep......catch up on reading and correspondence.  

I have a number of 'Thank you letters' to write......thank you's for thoughtful little gifts, meals and hospitality.  Rather than seeing this as a 'chore' I have always enjoyed the pleasure of putting pen to paper to think and reflect on the person I am writing to, and of the experience or gift I am thanking for.

In this age of texts and emails, the art of letter writing is so often forgotten, which is sad.  I grew up, as most of us did, with the discipline of writing proper thank you letters and I have tried to instill the same discipline in my own children.  Not for every little thing, but for weekends away staying in friends' homes, special meals out they are treated to for friends' birthdays and of course for their own Birthday and Christmas presents. I now regard happily, that they automatically still do this as young adults having left home.  It makes me happy when I receive charming, chatty, hand written appreciative notes from their friends when they have been to stay with us here at home, and when it has been a special occasion, I keep these lovely 'thank yous' to put in my albums, along with the photographs of the event as a memento.

Not wanting to get on too much of a moral high ground about today's etiquette of letter writing, I probably enjoy it as I also confess to a weakness for beautiful Stationary!   Whether it be a simple selection in the local newsagent or browsing the exquisite displays in Smythson in Bond Street......

I love it all!


Do you still write and appreciate a hand written thank you letter?

I would love to hear what you think......

Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

Sophia xx


  1. Hi Sophia, I still write thank you letters, but not as often as I used to. Most of the time I just send an email. It's a shame really! It's good you taught your children!

    Happy Sunday!


  2. I love to hand write a thank you card for a gift or a lovely dinner party and I also love to receive a written thank you note. My children always write a thank you note or phone to say thank you.
