Wednesday, 14 November 2012


This was the view from the kitchen deck this afternoon - a perfect blue sky.............
We have been busy putting the 'potager' to bed for the winter, feeding the raised beds with compost and well rotted manure, in anticipation of a bumper crop of delicious organic vegetables next year.  

Leeks are one of a few winter crops which we are still enjoying harvesting......

My love and obsession with hearts has even made it's way to my new shed......!

Pond in front of the glass dining-room link.......

Our first almonds, almost ready to harvest!

Last of the artichokes.......

Stunning cobwebs on the lawn, illuminated by the winter sunshine.......

Ornamental cabbages are one of my favourites for pots at this time......

Our 'perfect' Oak tree, still holding on to it's beautiful autumn colour for a little longer......

I hope you have also enjoyed your winter Wednesday afternoon, wherever you are?

Sophia x

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