Thursday, 14 September 2017


Good morning!
Well Mr. W and I have just returned from a fabulous 30th Wedding Anniversary trip to Singapore and Indonesia (blog post coming shortly!) and while we were away, it looks like Autumn sneaked in?

Apart from the shock of the cooler weather, both here in the UK and because we left temperatures of 30+ degrees, I adore this change in the seasons, and everything that it brings.

It really has been the most wonderfully productive year in both the vegetable and fruit garden, and particularly a bumper year for apples in our little orchard, which we have gradually been adding trees to over the last few years.

Keen to not lose them all to the Crows while we were away, there was a last minute hurried harvest to gather them all in safely.

A lovely mix of both eating and cooking varieties...

As you can see, we were not without our little helpers!  Is it just my dogs that love fruit?!

Filling three large rubber trugs and three large bags....

It really has been our largest crop to date!

What to do with this lovely harvest?

I am excited to say that the majority this year are being made in to apple juice.  Our local apple farm kindly, for a fee, take in customers' apples and juice and bottle them.  Ready in a couple of weeks, I am excited to take delivery of several crates of our first ever delicious juice.  Now all I have to do is design some lovely bottle labels!  I look forward to sharing the finished product with you all soon....and I think everyone in our family probably knows what they are getting for Christmas!


Are there any autumn projects that you are particularly enjoying at the moment?  I would love to hear....

Happy September days to you all!

Sophia xx

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