Tuesday, 1 September 2015


A tray of these beauties caught my eye the other Friday, in our weekly flower and vegetable market.   Ornamental cabbages are always a fun and eye catching seasonal treat that I love to buy at the end of the summer each year to plant up in pots around the outside of the house.  They seem to mark for me the change of the season, as we approach early Autumn.  Always sad to say goodbye to the summer, but I just love this time of year too.

Before these lovelies made their way outside though, they seemed the perfect addition to the lunch table for friends joining us the next day for a  fun and relaxed lunch party.

Keeping with the same colour theme, I then added Artichokes form the kitchen garden that had gone to flower, to a bowl of hand painted African balls from our travels....

A little different from the usual choice of flowers...

But when vegetables look this pretty...why not?

What do you like to decorate your table with?
I would love to hear!


On Thursday I am off for a couple of nights to one of my absolute favourite places...Paris!
A three day trip with my lovely daughter Georgie which will be such a treat!  Precious mother/daughter time in a City that she adores just as much as me.  I look forward to 
sharing our adventures with you on the blog next week!  In the meantime, I shall be sharing beautiful Paris and our finds on my Instagram @sophiahomelifestyle

Wishing you a very happy Tuesday evening!

Sophia xx


  1. You do such beautiful table settings Sophia! Have a wonderful time in Paris.
    Debbie x

  2. I love the Artichokes, so very pretty and also your place mats, so different! Have a super time with your daughter in gay Paris!
    Angela xx
