Tuesday, 26 May 2015



Good morning!
I do hope you have all had a wonderful weekend? Here in the UK it has been a lovely long bank holiday weekend....and for us it has been a super busy few days, with our eldest son and his girlfriend and a number of their friends staying, which always fills the house with an interesting, charming and enthusiastic young adult energy, which we love.

Before the partying began, Mr. 'SH' and I spent a wonderful day at the Chelsea Flower Show up in town on Saturday.  I adore Chelsea, and this year was particularly gorgeous and inspiring.  

Beautiful planting combinations in all the show gardens....

Each year I am in awe of the shear amount of work that goes in to just three weeks' preparation....the beautiful gardens looking as if they have been there for years. 

Plenty of my favourite 'kitchen garden' plantings too....

Inspirational architecture.....loved the soft wild flower planting on the roof of the strong lines of this garden room.

Of particular interest this year, was the increased showcasing of stunning sculpture and garden ornaments....

Could have quite happily taken many of them home with me!

A true artistic talent in these incredible driftwood sculptures...

High on our wish list is this beautiful stainless steel armillary sphere.  How special to have this in the garden, with personal important places and family names engraved along the rings...

Antique stone troughs....

....and this fabulous water feature, also caught our eye.

As did these gorgeous 'Artichoke' garden spheres...

Hard to take many photos of the amazing show gardens, because of the crowds...but managed to capture a few....love the colour combination above.

I have always admired the 'Kadai' Indian fire bowls, but had never seen these amazing oversized ones....turned in to a cosy retreat....or beautifully planted up!

We certainly came home with many new ideas for the garden, and a boost of enthusiasm for new projects.

Did any of you go to 'Chelsea' this year or watch any of the inspiring TV coverage of it?  If so, did you have a favourite there?  I would love to hear!

Happy week ahead to you all,

Sophia xx


  1. I have only seen a lot of people sharing the Chelsea Flower show on Instagram. It looks like a lovely event.

    1. It really is an event worth visiting! So inspiring. Have a lovely end to the week.

      Sophia x

  2. Hi Sophia
    We have a television show here in Australia called "Better Homes and Gardens" and most of this weeks show was about the Chelsea Flower Show. It looked amazing and some of the stories behind the displays were so interesting and hard to believe they had just been set up. We had a tour inside the grand pavilion and the giant teapot and cupcakes were very cute and the Thai orchid display was also very beautiful. One day we would love to be able to go!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Debbie x
