Friday, 21 March 2014

Keep calm….my mantra for today.
Last day before heading for the slopes!

Isn't there always so much to be done before going away? Am I the only one who finds the whole process a touch stressful?!

Getting up to date on work projects so I can try to switch off for the week, along with all the packing.  Fortunately leaving the house, greenhouse and dogs (they are not happy and are most definitely psychic and have sensed something way before I even got the suitcases out!) in the very capable hands of our wonderful house sitter Anna, an absolute 'gem' who loves animals and plants….what more could I wish for…..actually, I'm feeling calmer already!

With our children now living away from home, what a treat to spend an entire week together 'en famille'.  Staying in a remote former 'Rascard' (Italian hunting lodge), now a gorgeous small hotel above the main village on the edge of the piste….only accessible via skis or skidoos! It promises to be an adventure.

Precious time to catch up with each others' lives,  enjoy the fresh beautiful mountain air, some great skiing and delicious Italian food and wine….and of course, the inevitable family banter!  They're a competitive lot my three…actually make that four (my husband is the worse!) and I shall certainly not be competing with their dare devil break neck speeds down the mountain….preferring a speedy but safe pace...I need to get back in one piece!

So have a lovely week, whatever you have planned, and I shall hopefully look forward to sharing some stunning mountain scenery with you all on my return.  There may be a quick blog mid week, internet permitting…..

Thank you for reading, and for all your kind comments and emails recently!

Sophia xx


  1. Have a wonderful time Sophia, don't forget to bend the knees!!!

  2. Hi Sophia
    Getting ready and packed for a holiday is very stressful! Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

  3. Happy days! Green even though I've been this season. Have a wonderful hot chocolate for me!! :-) xx
